Hide native tooltip using jQuery

Solution 1:

Apparently the title attribute doesn't fall under the normal event handler. Anyway, my original answer didn't work, though I'll keep playing with it to see if I can get it to work. If you need to retain the title attribute but don't want the popup effect, as indicated in your comments, then store the title attribute in the element's data and use it from there.

$('[title]').each( function() {
    var $this = $(this);

$('a').click( function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    var title = $this.data('title');
    ... do your other stuff...

Original answer:

Give every element that has a title a specific hover over handler that prevents the default action.

   function(e) {
   function() { }

Except after testing it doesn't seem to work.

Solution 2:

You can remove it by:


This will remove it for js-users only, so it's still accessable and findable for search engines.

Solution 3:

I used a variation on bEj ni c bEj's code, because I needed to preserve the title content on hover, but still needed to suppress the default behavior.

// Suppress default tooltip behavior on hover
var tempTitle = "";
    tempTitle = $(this).attr('title');

    $(this).attr('title', '');
        // add attribute 'tipTitle' & populate on hover
                $(this).attr('tipTitle', tempTitle);
   // restore title on mouseout
   function() {
   $(this).attr('title', tempTitle);

This allows me to do this in my stylesheet: /* abbr & tooltip styles: first, the immediate descendants of the content area are set to highlight abbreviations on hover, but avoiding lists; as we don't want *all* abbreviations highlighted when you hover on a root list */

span.info-tip[tipTitle] {
border-bottom:none; /*remove border 1st, then let following rules add it back in*/

p:hover abbr[tipTitle],
li:hover abbr[tipTitle],
dl>*:hover abbr[tipTitle],
label:hover abbr[tipTitle],
p:hover dfn[tipTitle],
li:hover dfn[tipTitle],
dl>*:hover dfn[tipTitle],
label:hover dfn[tipTitle],
p:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle],
li:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle],
dl>*:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle],
label:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #333;
cursor: help;

p:hover abbr[tipTitle]:before,
li:hover abbr[tipTitle]:before,
dl>*:hover abbr[tipTitle]:before,
label:hover abbr[tipTitle]:before,
p:hover dfn[tipTitle]:before,
li:hover dfn[tipTitle]:before,
dl>*:hover dfn[tipTitle]:before,
label:hover dfn[tipTitle]:before,
p:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:before,
li:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:before,
dl>*:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:before,
label:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
border-top: 20px solid #803808;
border-left: 30px solid transparent;
border-right: 30px solid transparent;
visibility: hidden;
top: -18px;
left: -26px;

p:hover abbr[tipTitle]:after,
li:hover abbr[tipTitle]:after,
dl>*:hover abbr[tipTitle]:after,
label:hover abbr[tipTitle]:after,
p:hover dfn[tipTitle]:after,
li:hover dfn[tipTitle]:after,
dl>*:hover dfn[tipTitle]:after,
label:hover dfn[tipTitle]:after,
p:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:after,
li:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:after,
dl>*:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:after,
label:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:after {
content: attr(tipTitle);
position: absolute;
color: white;
top: -35px;
left: -26px;
background: #803808;
padding: 5px 15px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
white-space: nowrap;
visibility: hidden;

p:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:before,
li:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:before,
dl>*:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:before,
label:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:before,
p:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:before,
li:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:before,
dl>*:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:before,
label:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:before,
p:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:before,
li:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:before,
dl>*:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:before,
label:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:before,
p:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:after,
li:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:after,
dl>*:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:after,
label:hover abbr[tipTitle]:hover:after,
p:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:after,
li:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:after,
dl>*:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:after,
label:hover dfn[tipTitle]:hover:after,
p:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:after,
li:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:after,
dl>*:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:after,
label:hover span.info-tip[tipTitle]:hover:after {
visibility: visible;
transition: visibility 0s linear .3s;
-moz-transition: visibility 0s linear .3s;

Giving me pretty tooltips where I need them, without the default tooltip appearing simultaneously.

Solution 4:

To get it out of the title, I would use the data() method:

$(document).ready( function () {
    $('.items_with_title').each( function () {
        $(this).data('title', $(this).attr('title') );

// to access it
$(document).ready( function () {
    $('A').click( function () {

You could also make the selector for any item that has a title attribute:


Solution 5:

The original poster only wanted to disable the native action of .tooltip(). If that is the case, use the following simple solution:

$(function() {
    $( document ).tooltip({
        items: "[data-tooltip]",
        content: function() {
            var element = $( this );
            if ( element.is( "[data-tooltip]" ) ) {
                return element.attr('data-tooltip');

Now the [title] attribute is disabled and the tooltip will only trigger when an element has a [data-tooltip] attribute. By defining more 'items' you can create different behavior and styles:

$(function() {
    $( document ).tooltip({
        items: "[data-tooltip],img[alt]",
        content: function() {
            var element = $( this );
            if ( element.is( "[data-tooltip]" ) ) {
                return element.attr('data-tooltip');
            if ( element.is( "[alt]" ) ) {
                return element.attr('alt') + something_else;

http://jqueryui.com/tooltip/#custom-content & http://api.jqueryui.com/tooltip/#option-items