WPF Animation Warning: 6 : Unable to perform action

You can use the following code to find your StoryBoard:

private string GetStoryBoardNameByHashCode(int hashCode)
    foreach (DictionaryEntry resource in Resources)
        if (resource.Value is Storyboard)
            if (resource.GetHashCode() == hashCode)
                return ((Storyboard) resource.Value).Name;
    return String.Empty;

Execute the method like so:

    string storyBoardName = GetStoryBoardNameByHashCode(65981734);

This should be able to get the StoryBoard-Name with the HashCode (ór if you want to get the specified StoryBoard, you can return that as well). Mind you that the ResourceDictionary is on Window-scope (local) here. So, if the StoryBoards are all located in the ResourceDictionary of the Application (App.xaml) then change 'Resources' to:


There may be an alternative way to get all the Resources of a WPF-application instead of just the local or Application-scope, but haven't looked into this. Hopefully, this code allows you to find your problem.

Actually, I had run into the same problem as you.

I had found that the animation's Begin() method didn't get called before its Stop() method being called. So the Runtime throw a warning that the Stop action couldn't be invoked.