I can boot from a clone, but only when the original drive isn't plugged in

Solution 1:

Enabling Hot Plugging

Per @grawity's comment, I tried the rescan disks option, which didn't do work initially. This lead me to research my motherboard further, and I found that hot plugging has to be enabled on a per-port basis in the BIOS and is disabled on all SATA ports by default. I enabled hot plugging, booted with just the 960 plugged in, and then I plugged in the 850. It was recognized immediately.

Wiping the disk

To wipe the disk, I opened Disk Management, right clicked Disk 1 (the 850), and clicked Online to bypass the Offline (The disk is offline because it has a signature collision with another disk that is online) error. Some of the partitions were difficult to delete, so I just deleted all partitions by following these steps from this Lifewire article:

  1. Open Command Prompt and type:
  2. diskpart
  3. list disk
  4. select disk 1
  5. list partition
  6. select partition 1
  7. delete partition override
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for partitions 2, 3, and 4 on Disk 1

Solution 2:

You cloned the disk, it means all data cloned. The EFI boot requires unique identifiers, but this is same on both drive. You can change it from diskpart, then boot manager will recognize both drives.

Boot from 850 Run diskpart:

list disk

this displays the disks

select disk X

where is X the 960 drive number

uniqueid disk

this will show you the id, like "5f1b2c36" or "baf784e7-6bbd-4cfb-aaac-e86c96e166ee"

uniqueid disk id=5f1b2c37

This change the disk id to 5f1b2c37 instead 5f1b2c36. ID must be same format as you got before, just change a digit to something else.

Also you can reset the boot menu from BIOS, then motherboard rebuild the boot list.