How do I turn off the click sound when closing a tab in Chrome?

Solution 1:

For completeness sake, it should be noted that (at least in mine and someone elses case), rebooting the computer fixes the issue.

I rarely reboot, so the problem doesn't fix itself for me.
Also, this is a temporary fix for the issue. Something triggers it to reappear some time in the future, I just can't figure out what it is.


I tried to see what API functions are invoked by Chrome when the issue appears. For that, I ran the 32bit API Monitor and added a capture filter for calls into winmm.dll.

I checked if Chrome even calls PlaySound (assuming that's how the sound is played) and it seems like it doesn't. I see a lot of other stuff happening when a tab is closed. But I wasn't able to pinpoint anything as the cause of the sound.

I'm now more confident that, while Chrome is the cause of the sound, it does not directly invoke it. I'm currently assuming that an action Chrome is taking is causing another process to emit the sound.

While investigating a few minutes ago, I started killing processes to see if and when the click sound would stop.

It stopped after closing all Windows Explorer windows. At this point it's unclear if there is any relation between Windows Explorer and the click sound being emitted. It'll have to wait for another day.

After the issue just happened again, I ran another Process Monitor recording and double-checked my Windows Explorer theory. Look what I got:

enter image description here

After closing the 2 open Explorer windows, the clicking was gone again.

In light of this new information, I decided to post another bug report.

Solution 2:

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Open Sounds. (In Windows 7 It's called Sounds not Sounds and Audio Devices)
  3. In Sounds tab on Windows Explorer section, select Start Navigation
  4. On Sounds section, select (None) on the drop down menu.
  5. Apply then OK

enter image description here

Kudos for HowToGeek for supplying this nice image

Related question Windows 7 'click' sound