Keyboard shortcuts not working in 12.04? [closed]

I finally managed to get my shortcuts back, including the ones with Super.

1) Map the Super key

In System Settings / Keyboard / Typing tab / Layout Settings link (at the bottom) / Layouts tab / Options button / "Alt/Win key behaviour", choose Meta is mapped to Left Win key.

2) Desktop Shortcuts (such as "Show Desktop")

a) install dconf-tools: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

b) run dconf-editor, go to /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings and change the values you want to change. I set my shortcuts like in Windows:

  • panel-run-dialog is the run command, I set it to ['<Super>R']
  • show-desktop is to show the desktop, I set it to ['<Super>M']

3) Other Shortcuts (such as "Launch Terminal")

a) In System Settings / Keyboard / Shortcuts tab / Custom Shortcuts, Add (with the '+' button) all the shortcuts you want and set their accelerator. If you want to use the Super key here, you should use the Super here but it won't work yet

b) run gconf-editor (with a 'g', not a 'd' like 2.a), go to /desktop/gnome/keybindings and for each shortcut that uses Super, change Super to Mod4

That's it!

Any custom keyboard shortcuts involving Super button don't work in 12.04. For example, when I set a key combination Super+L to lock the screen - it doesn't do it (although it shows this combination in the menu by the "Lock Screen" menu item).

This is a regression from 11.10, where these key combinations worked flawlessly...