Move a bunch of ical events at once
I have got all the dates and times for my class seminars set in iCal, and I've also made week-long events that coincide with my colleges week numbering.
The thing is, I forgot to let out this Easter holidays, which are two weeks that should be blank.
What I want to do is select all events and move them two weeks. How can I do that?
Solution 1:
iCal cannot do this by itself unfortunately. There is a $8 shareware program called Calibrate that can do bulk moves of iCal events. There is a trial period to ensure it does what you want.
Solution 2:
Fast forward 7 years! iCal is now Apple Calendar.
You can now select multiple events and use the keyboard shortcuts:
⌃⌥ [ ↑ | ↓ ] to move the events 15min sooner or later.
⌃⌥ [ ← | → ] to move the events 1 day (in day/week view) or 1 week (in month view) sooner or later.