Windows 7 progress bar in taskbar in C#?

Solution 1:

I just wanted to add some taskbar progress animation to my WinForms application, without having to download code packs or switch to WPF to use TaskbarItemInfo.

The solution was a class that uses the ITaskbarList3 interface:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public static class TaskbarProgress
    public enum TaskbarStates
        NoProgress    = 0,
        Indeterminate = 0x1,
        Normal        = 0x2,
        Error         = 0x4,
        Paused        = 0x8

    private interface ITaskbarList3
        // ITaskbarList
        void HrInit();
        void AddTab(IntPtr hwnd);
        void DeleteTab(IntPtr hwnd);
        void ActivateTab(IntPtr hwnd);
        void SetActiveAlt(IntPtr hwnd);

        // ITaskbarList2
        void MarkFullscreenWindow(IntPtr hwnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool fFullscreen);

        // ITaskbarList3
        void SetProgressValue(IntPtr hwnd, UInt64 ullCompleted, UInt64 ullTotal);
        void SetProgressState(IntPtr hwnd, TaskbarStates state);

    private class TaskbarInstance

    private static ITaskbarList3 taskbarInstance = (ITaskbarList3)new TaskbarInstance();
    private static bool taskbarSupported = Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 1);

    public static void SetState(IntPtr windowHandle, TaskbarStates taskbarState)
        if (taskbarSupported) taskbarInstance.SetProgressState(windowHandle, taskbarState);

    public static void SetValue(IntPtr windowHandle, double progressValue, double progressMax)
        if (taskbarSupported) taskbarInstance.SetProgressValue(windowHandle, (ulong)progressValue, (ulong)progressMax);

Example of how easy it is to use:

TaskbarProgress.SetState(this.Handle, TaskbarProgress.TaskbarStates.Indeterminate);


TaskbarProgress.SetValue(this.Handle, 50, 100);
TaskbarProgress.SetState(this.Handle, TaskbarProgress.TaskbarStates.Error);

Solution 2:

For people who want to skip reading the documentation and just get something that works...

  • Download the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .Net Framework.
  • Run the installer which creates a zip file
  • Extract the following dlls from the binaries folder of the zip file:
    • Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll
    • Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll
  • Add a reference to them in your project
  • Put the following code into your app and modify as necessary:


  int max = 100;
  var prog = Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Taskbar.TaskbarManager.Instance;
  for(int i=0;i<max;i++) {
     prog.SetProgressValue(i, max);