How to setup HyperV virtual machine to have static IP and have access to internet?

Is possible to setup HyperV virtual machine to have static IP and also have access to internet ? (on latest Windows 10 Pro)

To sum up, requirements are like so:

  • virtual machine should have local (manually defined) IP like (ideally defined from host computer, not in VM)
  • virtual machine should be ideally accessible only from host computer (not from public)
  • virtual machine should have access to internet (from wifi adapter where must be defined DHCP)
  • would be great if Virtual Machine (guest) could stay in DHCP client mode

Machine is created by Vagrant but probably will need manual tweaking - as Vagrant static IP bug is open here.

PS. I am web developer with basic understanding of networking, so please keep that in mind with possible explanations :)

Yes, this is possible. You'll use the guest operating system's network configuration utility to set the static IP address. Make sure to include a default gateway and DNS Servers so you can browse the internet.

After that, it's just a matter of setting the firewall to only allow connections from the host machine and blocking all other inbound connections.