Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command [duplicate]

Is there a way to simulate the *nix tail command on the Windows command line? I have a file and I want a way to snip off the first n lines of text. For example:

D:\>type file.txt
line one
line two
line three
D:\>*[call to tail]* > result.txt

D:\>type result.txt
line two
line three

IF you have Windows PowerShell installed (I think it's included since XP) you can just run from cmd.exe:

Head Command:

powershell -command "& {Get-Content *filename* -TotalCount *n*}"

Tail Command:

powershell -command "& {Get-Content *filename* | Select-Object -last *n*}"

or, directly from PowerShell:

Get-Content *filename* -TotalCount *n*
Get-Content *filename* | Select-Object -last *n*


PowerShell 3.0 (Windows 8 and higher) added Tail command with alias Last. Head and First aliases to TotalCount were also added.

So, commands can be re-written as

Get-Content *filename* -Head *n*
Get-Content *filename* -Tail *n*

No exact equivalent. However there exist a native DOS command "more" that has a +n option that will start outputting the file after the nth line:

DOS Prompt:

C:\>more +2 myfile.txt

The above command will output everything after the first 2 lines.
This is actually the inverse of Unix head:

Unix console:

root@server:~$ head -2 myfile.txt

The above command will print only the first 2 lines of the file.

more /e filename.txt P n

where n = the number of rows to display. Works fast and is exactly like head command.