Installing Steam on Raspberry Pi 4

ARM processors (Raspberry Pi) are not capable of running i386 or amd64 software packages which are designed for x86 processors (and NOT ARM processors or instruction sets).

Further, Steam does not have an ARM variant at the moment for you to install/use and only supports amd64 at the moment, from what I have found in my research.

So, Steam is not likely to function under an RPi environment, judging by its dependencies.

Similarly, most programs that Steam would install or depend upon need to be amd64 or i386 versions, which ARM will not be able to run. Therefore, Steam is not going to function on an RPi. An RPi is also not capable of running resource wise most of the things on Steam either.

You can use Steam (and some x86 software) with Box86 (

You also can use PiKISS ( to run some extra software, and should help you a lot as well.

You can see Steam in action in this video:

This video also shows it, with some extra information and examples of games running:

In the description of this 2nd video, you see the following commands:

sudo apt install linux-cpupower
sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-2.0-0

According to it, they were used to make Doom3 run on Raspberry Pi.

Remember, this is all very beta stuff, even if it is minimally functional. You may have to make some compromises to get something running, or it may not run at all.

Sometimes, the compromise is in performance.