Windows 10 - How a normal user(not admin) set path variable permanently for his account

Solution 1:

Press Win+I to open the system settings dialog. In the search box type "environment" Choose "Edit Environment variables for your account"

Solution 2:

But.. wait, you are trying to set this User environment path on a remote machine using that ...

setx /s [machinename] 

... that could be a problem. Even with all out PSRemotig, you must be a local admin to do many things.

As for doing this on your local machine. Are you saying you tried setting the path this way as well...

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "C:\TestPath", "User")

...and it did not stick?

Lastly, if your target is not running the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you cannot do this as a regular user. This was a bug pre-Win10FCU.