How do I mock an open used in a with statement (using the Mock framework in Python)?

How do I test the following code with unittest.mock:

def testme(filepath):
    with open(filepath) as f:

Solution 1:

Python 3

Patch and use mock_open, which is part of the mock framework. patch used as a context manager returns the object used to replace the patched one:

from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open
with patch("", mock_open(read_data="data")) as mock_file:
    assert open("path/to/open").read() == "data"

If you want to use patch as a decorator, using mock_open()'s result as the new= argument to patch can be a little bit weird. Instead, use patch's new_callable= argument and remember that every extra argument that patch doesn't use will be passed to the new_callable function, as described in the patch documentation:

patch() takes arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be passed to the Mock (or new_callable) on construction.

@patch("", new_callable=mock_open, read_data="data")
def test_patch(mock_file):
    assert open("path/to/open").read() == "data"

Remember that in this case patch will pass the mocked object as an argument to your test function.

Python 2

You need to patch instead of and mock is not part of unittest, you need to pip install and import it separately:

from mock import patch, mock_open
with patch("", mock_open(read_data="data")) as mock_file:
    assert open("path/to/open").read() == "data"

Solution 2:

The way to do this has changed in mock 0.7.0 which finally supports mocking the python protocol methods (magic methods), particularly using the MagicMock:

An example of mocking open as a context manager (from the examples page in the mock documentation):

>>> open_name = '' % __name__
>>> with patch(open_name, create=True) as mock_open:
...     mock_open.return_value = MagicMock(spec=file)
...     with open('/some/path', 'w') as f:
...         f.write('something')
<mock.Mock object at 0x...>
>>> file_handle = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
>>> file_handle.write.assert_called_with('something')

Solution 3:

With the latest versions of mock, you can use the really useful mock_open helper:

mock_open(mock=None, read_data=None)

A helper function to create a mock to replace the use of open. It works for open called directly or used as a context manager.

The mock argument is the mock object to configure. If None (the default) then a MagicMock will be created for you, with the API limited to methods or attributes available on standard file handles.

read_data is a string for the read method of the file handle to return. This is an empty string by default.

>>> from mock import mock_open, patch
>>> m = mock_open()
>>> with patch('{}.open'.format(__name__), m, create=True):
...    with open('foo', 'w') as h:
...        h.write('some stuff')

>>> m.assert_called_once_with('foo', 'w')
>>> handle = m()
>>> handle.write.assert_called_once_with('some stuff')