beep not working since upgrade to 20.04.1 LTS

Solution 1:

Bad solution:

I'm pretty sure this is a permissions issue, but I am not sure how to solve it. I tried creating udev files and groups according to the ArchLinux Wiki, but that wouldn't work.

Then, I changed permissions on the device itself:

sudo chmod 777 /dev/input/by-path/platform-pcspkr-event-spkr

While this does work, it's surely a bad idea to make devices just writeable for anyone.

Solution 2:

Adding my user to group input worked for me, ie:

sudo usermod -aG input USERNAME

The change isn't visible until you log in again (On Ubuntu, I had to restart, not just log out and back in, before a new shell would display the new group in the output of groups.) To see the change within one shell, open a new login shell: