How do I get from Vashj'ir back to Orgrimmar?

How do I get from the zone that is underwater back to Orgrimmar?

Easiest and fastest way? Just use your Hearthstone.

Alternately, there are one or two above-water flightpoints from which you can hop on a windrider to Undercity or Grom'Gol and catch a Zeppelin from either of those. But they are phased, so you likely won't reach them until you've done several hours worth of quests in the zone.

Without doing any phasing/questing, sandy beach is available from the minute you enter the zone.

To get from Vashj'ir to Eastern Kingdom locations without a hearth:

  1. Go to The Clutch.
  2. Swim to the ocean surface.
  3. Look around for a nearby island (Sandy Beach) to swim/fly to.
  4. One side is Horde and one side is Alliance.
  5. Get flight path to all of Eastern Kingdoms locations.

There isn't an instant-return portal like there is for Deepholm or Twilight Highlands. You have to hearthstone or fly back.