How do I upgrade WordPress Installed by APT?

I installed WordPress from the console of Ubuntu 20.10 on a local machine and after setting up a site and attempting to install some plugins, I saw a notice that some, including Jetpack, were not compatible with my version of WordPress. The installed version is 5.3.5 and the current version as of today is 5.5.2 (when my hosted sites auto-updated and sent email notices).

My news installation's dashboard says "You have the latest version of WordPress. Future security updates will be applied automatically. If you need to re-install version –, you can do so here:" The "Check for Updates" button returns a message that I have the latest version but we know that's not so and the check doesn't even get my version info but inserts a dash (–) instead.

How can I access a repository with the current WP version so that I can upgrade without having to download and install from the archive at The apt installation uses an array of directories and offers the convenience of running more than one site from the single codebase.


Solution 1:

To update software that was installed in apt, you use the following two commands:

sudo apt update

(to update the list of available software)


sudo apt upgrade

(to update packages to the latest version)

If you are wondering why Ubuntu repositories don't have the latest software version available somewhere else, please see "Why don't the Ubuntu repositories have the latest versions of software?".