How can I display my current git branch name in my PowerShell prompt?

Solution 1:

An easier way would be just installing the Powershell module posh-git. It comes out of the box with the desired prompt:

The Prompt

PowerShell generates its prompt by executing a prompt function, if one exists. posh-git defines such a function in profile.example.ps1 that outputs the current working directory followed by an abbreviated git status:

C:\Users\Keith [master]>

By default, the status summary has the following format:

[{HEAD-name} +A ~B -C !D | +E ~F -G !H]

(For installing posh-git I suggest using psget)

If you don't have psget use the following command:

(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex

To install posh-git use the command: Install-Module posh-git

To ensure posh-git loads for every shell, use the Add-PoshGitToProfile command.

Solution 2:

Here's my take on it. I've edited the colours a bit to make it more readable.


function Write-BranchName () {
    try {
        $branch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

        if ($branch -eq "HEAD") {
            # we're probably in detached HEAD state, so print the SHA
            $branch = git rev-parse --short HEAD
            Write-Host " ($branch)" -ForegroundColor "red"
        else {
            # we're on an actual branch, so print it
            Write-Host " ($branch)" -ForegroundColor "blue"
    } catch {
        # we'll end up here if we're in a newly initiated git repo
        Write-Host " (no branches yet)" -ForegroundColor "yellow"

function prompt {
    $base = "PS "
    $path = "$($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)"
    $userPrompt = "$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "

    Write-Host "`n$base" -NoNewline

    if (Test-Path .git) {
        Write-Host $path -NoNewline -ForegroundColor "green"
    else {
        # we're not in a repo so don't bother displaying branch name/sha
        Write-Host $path -ForegroundColor "green"

    return $userPrompt

Example 1:

enter image description here

Example 2:

enter image description here