How to disable Full Screen Animation on OS X 10.9

Solution 1:

macOS Sierra (10.12) introduced "reduce motion".

Go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Display and check the box labeled Reduce motion.

I find this makes things much more pleasant ;)

Solution 2:

What I do for this is:

Edit the Info.plist file for each application I want to run in full screen mode and add this key:


The Info.plist of the application is located at /Applications/ For example for Chrome: /Applications/Google\

If you just open this file and you have Xcode will open with the Xcode editor. I prefer to edit with a plain text editor like sublime or text mate, it's just a simple XML file.

Some applications when you edit this file will fail in the checksum and will ask infinite times to allow access to the osx keychain. Chrome or HipChat for example will have this issue when you edit the Info.plist. To solve this issue just open your Keychain Access and search the application with this issue and edit. right or double click on the application, click on the Access Control tab and then check Allow all applications to access this item -> Save Changes and the just restart the application. Works on 10.8.x and 10.9.x

Screenshot of my chrome Info.plist file:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there is no hidden default to change this. Short of patching the Finder code, you'll have to live with the animation delay on 10.9 that's programmed to take about a second. (n.b. on my Mac Pro, it appears to take 1/3 of a second for the animation so perhaps it's indirectly related to GPU/CPU loading and power...)