Chromium quit working on upgrade to Ubuntu 20.10

Solution 1:

Probably snap devs broke everything. Sad to see that my clean system became unusable after the upgrade.

Try running in a terminal:

➜ ~ chromium

if you see:

[27984:27984:1027/] Unable to open X display.

Then probably we are in the same boat

Solution 2:

I have the same issue and error message (similar issue with Spotify on Snap) - It appears to be a general bug running Snap on Ubuntu 20.10 with Wayland - see Link 1 and Link 2

As of now the only workaround seems to be that you avoid Wayland (which also has it's disadvantages). On the GDM Login Screen you can click on the gear icon and select "Ubuntu" rather than "Ubuntu on Wayland".

I hope that helps until this issue is fixed.

Best regards, Daniel

Solution 3:

This is a known bug and a fix will be released shortly. If you don't want to wait you can installe the fixed version already like this:

$ cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-groovy-proposed.list
deb groovy-proposed restricted main multiverse universe

$ cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/groovy-proposed
# Configure apt to allow selective installs of packages from proposed
Package: *
Pin: release a=groovy-proposed
Pin-Priority: 400

$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt --target-release groovy-proposed install libmutter-7-0

For more information about these configuration and commands, see in Ubuntu Wiki EnableProposed.