Midnight Commander (MC) installer for Mac OS X

Solution 1:

I don't know of any official binary distribution of MC for 10.6, but like other Free / Libre / Open Source Software, it can be installed by MacPorts or Fink. I prefer MacPorts:

  1. Install MacPorts.
  2. sudo port install mc

Update many weeks later: In someone else's answer to another question, I found a site that does binary distributions of many open source packages for Mac OS X. I'd never heard of the site before so I don't know how reputable/trustworthy they are, but here's their binary distro of Midnight Commander for Mac OS X:


Solution 2:

It's also available for Homebrew which is a neat and clean alternative to Ports or Fink. You might want to check it out.

To install Midnight Commander with Homebrew, type :

brew install mc

Solution 3:

You can download universal binary installer package from this link: http://louise.hu/poet/?tag=mc