Wacom Intuous tablet not mapping to single monitor

Solution 1:

I found a bug regarding this Problem here.

the Problem seems to be with the display output names. For me the Workaround with setting the output manually with worked:

xsetwacom --set "Wacom Intuos Pro S Pen stylus" MapToOutput 1920x1080+0+0

Well, I actually had to change the numbers around a bit, because, the aspect ratio and position of my desired display are different. But as a temporary workaround, while they are working on a solution this is OK for me.

the general idea with the numbers at the end is: <width of projection>+<height of projection>+<offset x>+<offset y> for me it was 3400x1440+3840+0

When you are using a different tablet, you might get a message, like this: Cannot find device 'Wacom Intuos Pro S Pen stylus'.. I was lucky enough, that I just had to switch out the S for an M (so the string was Wacom Intuos Pro M Pen stylus for me) but I don't really know where to look for the value you have to use here, when using a different product.

I hope it helps.

EDT: I forgot: I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (with kernel version 5.4.0-52-generic). I'm not so sure on whether or not it's the same for other distros, but yeah, still hope, that I at least notched you in the right direction.