Automatically add newline at end of curl response body

Solution 1:

From the man file:

To better allow script programmers to get to know about the progress of curl, the -w/--write-out option was introduced. Using this, you can specify what information from the previous transfer you want to extract.

To display the amount of bytes downloaded together with some text and an ending newline:

curl -w 'We downloaded %{size_download} bytes\n'

So try adding the following to your ~/.curlrc file:

-w "\n"

Solution 2:

Use this:

curl; echo 

If you need grouping to feed a pipe :

{ curl; echo; } | tee new_file_with_newline



This is that simple ;)

(and not limited to curl command but all commands that not finish with a newline)

Solution 3:

For more info as well as a clean new line after curl


-w "\nstatus=%{http_code} %{redirect_url} size=%{size_download} time=%{time_total} content-type=\"%{content_type}\"\n"

(More options are available here)

redirect_url will be blank if the request doesn't get redirected or you use -L to follow the redirect.

Example output:

~ ➤  curl
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>302 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF=";ei=FW">here</A>.

status=302 size=262 time=0.044209 content-type="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
~ ➤  

Edit, to make things more readable you can add ANSI colours to the -w line, it's not that easy to write directly, but this script can generate a ~/.curlrc file with colours.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path
import click
chunks = [
    ('status=', 'blue'),
    ('%{http_code} ', 'green'),
    ('%{redirect_url} ', 'green'),
    ('size=', 'blue'),
    ('%{size_download} ', 'green'),
    ('time=', 'blue'),
    ('%{time_total} ', 'green'),
    ('content-type=', 'blue'),
    ('\\"%{content_type}\\"', 'green'),
content = '-w "\\n'
for chunk, colour in chunks:
    content +=, fg=colour)
content += '\\n"\n'

path = (Path.home() / '.curlrc').resolve()
print('writing:\n{}to: {}'.format(content, path))

Solution 4:

The general solution for bash is to add a newline symbol into the command prompt:

See related question (How to have a newline before bash prompt? ) and corresponding answer

This solution covers each command, not only curl.

echo $PS1 # To get your current PS1 env variable's value aka '_current_PS1_'

The only side-effect is that you get command prompt after each 2nd line.