How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?

It says "FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h file not found"

Yet I can jump-to-definition on the #import and it takes me to the file.

And once I added the #import it now knows what FBFriendPickerDelegate is and it now doesn't have an error on that line.

I have the facebookSDK.framework in my project and in the right folder. It's SDK 3.1. I tried adding search paths to /FacebookSDK and /FacebookSDK.framework and /FacebookSDK/Versions/A/Headers etc. I also tried #import "FacebookSDK.framework/Versions/A/Headers/FacebookSDK.h" and it still says it can't find it. I also tried clean and restarting. I have the latest version of Xcode.

//  FacebookView.h

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>

@interface FacebookView : UIViewController <FBFriendPickerDelegate>

Solution 1:

First, you have to remove your FacebookSDK.framework from your Project. Then start over again with these 5 steps. DO NOT re-link the framework.

  1. Go to Build Phases in your Project Target.
  2. In Link Binary With Libraries, click the "+" button.
  3. Click on "Add Other..." button
  4. Browse your FacebookSDK folder. Generally in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK/
  5. Clik on (select) "facebookSDK.framework" and then OPEN.

That's it.

Solution 2:

No need to remove anything.

In your project go to: "Build Settings”, then “Search Paths". Look for "Frameworks Search Paths". You probably have something fixed like this:

Frameworks Search Paths: /Users/john/Documents/exampleappxyz

Change it to:

Frameworks search paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)


Solution 3:

I tried this but it did not work for me. I had to go into the Build Settings for the project and manually fix the FacebookSDK Framework Search Paths to find the FacebookSDK.

Solution 4:

Ok guys, I think i got the answer. Follow the steps given below.

  1. Copy your framework into your project.
  2. Make sure it is under some directory. e.g. $(PROJECT_DIR)/project_name/Resources/Frameworks
  3. Click on the target.
  4. Goto Build Phases→Link binary with Libraries
  5. Add the custom framework by clicking "Add Other"
  6. Verify in the project navigator that the framework exists only once.
  7. Now goto Build Settings→Search Paths→Framework Search Path and make sure that it has the following two things.

    (a) $(inherited) (b) $(PROJECT_DIR)/project_name/Resources/Frameworks.

    Not to remind the framework exists inside the Frameworks folder

  8. Make sure that there is nothing in the library search path.
  9. Now click on the project (above target)→Build settings and repeat steps 7 and 8.
  10. Now clean the project and build the project.

Hope it works. Please remember not to keep any folder names with spaces. If you have kept them, make sure that you provide the correct escape characters.