Windows Phone 8 Startscreen Tile sizes and margins

Solution 1:

For 720p (1280×720) and WXGA (1280×768):

  • Large Tile: 691 x 336 (yes, you're not reading it wrong, there's a extra pixel on the width)
  • Medium Tile: 336 x 336
  • Small Tile: 159 x 159

For WVGA (480x800):

  • Large Tile: 430 x 210
  • Medium Tile: 210 x 210
  • Small Tile: 100 x 100

For IconicTemplate (All resolutions):

Transparent icons!

  • Large Tile: 132 x 202 (IconImageURI)
  • Medium Tile: 72 x 110 (SmallImageURI)
  • Icon: 38 x 38 (DeviceLockImageURI)

For Application Icons

  • ApplicationIcon.png: 159 x 159
  • Background.png: 173 x 173

All numbers are in pixels. The horizontal margin between tiles are 10 px.

As a general piece of advice, provide your tiles in the high resolution, and they'll get downscaled by roughly a factor 1.6. Otherwise you'll find your low resolution tiles being upscaled, and the text will look very blurry.

And remember that some of the new special tile templates available in the SDK, will require different resolution images. The above is the full tile size, if you use a regular FlipTemplate.

Bonus Update: For App Bar Icons (not to be confused with the above)

  • 76x76 circle with 42x42 icons.

Solution 2:


Here's a test with different image sizes used with the iconic tiles.

Read the Claus' answer for the correct sizes.

Old answer:

For the Iconic Tile Template the 720p and WXGA sizes are:

  • Small Tile: 110 x 110
  • Medium Tile: 202 x 202
  • Wide Tile: N/A

The application's icon size is now 100x100, up from the previous 62x62.

For the Marketplace you must provide a 300x300 logo.

Solution 3:

Microsoft has now posted the correct sizes for the Iconic template:


  • recommended “best fit”: 70x110px
  • max image size: 110x110px


  • recommended “best fit”: 130x202px
  • max image size: 202x202px

All other images and their sizes needed for publishing can be found at:

And lock screen image: http://