brew cask: howto uninstall an Application
I tried, while I am in /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom
$ for i in *; do brew cask uninstall $i; done
Error: appcleaner is not installed
Error: avidemux is not installed
Error: eclipse-ide is not installed
Error: flash is not installed
Error: silverlight is not installed
Error: thunderbird is not installed
Error: vlc is not installed
He uninstalled several apps, but those not. Why?
$ brew cask list
appcleaner avidemux eclipse-ide flash silverlight thunderbird vlc
$ pwd
$ ls
appcleaner avidemux eclipse-ide flash silverlight thunderbird vlc
$ du -sh .
532M .
Howto uninstall them properly? He didn't uninstall because updated without brew cask?
brew cask uninstall --force
This will remove all versions of a Cask.
And unless you want the preferences lying around you can also do:
brew cask zap [your cask]