How do I make a bullet point in a Slack message?

I would like to make a bulleted list in a Slack message.

How do I do this?

Solution 1:

From Slack's "Format your messages" page:

To create a list, use Shift + Enter to create new lines in your message, then add a number or a bullet (•) before each item.

Tip: To add a bullet point (•) from the comfort of your keyboard, try Option + 8 on a Mac, or Alt + 7 on most Windows machines.

Solution 2:

To complement this thread, On GNU-Linux for add bullet points to a Slack message using your keyboard:


Solution 3:

To add bullet points to a message using your keyboard:

Mac: Option 8 on a Mac

Windows: Alt 7 on most Windows machines

GNU-Linux: Ctrl+Shift+8

iMac Keyboard: Shift+Option+8

Format Messages in Slack