Unable to print from Gwenview

I have installed Gwenview 20.04.0 from snap on Ubuntu 20.04.

When printing, the only option is print to file, PDF.

Is there any way to configure Gwenview to print to the system printer?

Also, the default paper size is A4. Is there any way to change the default to 'letter'?

A web search has so far failed to uncover any answers to these questions.

Solution 1:

Thanks to a comment by @mook765 I can improve/correct my original answer.

When installed as a snap package in Ubuntu gnome, Gwenview cannot be configured to print, except as a PDF.

To install Gwenview with printing capability one should install it from the command line:

sudo apt-get install gwenview

Then all the supporting packages will be installed which give Gwenview its full complement of abilities, including printing.