The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer

Solution 1:

What causes this error and how do I fix it?

It happens when applications built using the Windows 10 SDK are executed on earlier version of Windows.

This creates a dependency on Windows 10 Universal CRT (C Runtime).

To fix it, install the Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows:

The Windows 10 Universal CRT is a Windows operating system component that enables CRT functionality on the Windows operating system. This update allows Windows desktop applications that depend on the Windows 10 Universal CRT release to run on earlier Windows operating systems.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 creates a dependency on the Universal CRT when applications are built by using the Windows 10 Software Development Kit (SDK). You can install this update on earlier Windows operating systems to enable these applications to run correctly.

Further reading

  • Introducing the Universal CRT
  • The Great C Runtime (CRT) Refactoring