Opening zipfile of unsupported compression-type silently returns empty filestream, instead of throwing exception
The cause is the combination of:
- this file's compression type is type 9: Deflate64/Enhanced Deflate (PKWare's proprietary format, as opposed to the more common type 8)
- and a zipfile bug: it will not throw an exception for unsupported compression-types. It used to just silently return a bad file object [Section 4.4.5 compression method]. Aargh. How bogus. UPDATE: I filed bug 14313 and it was fixed back in 2012 so it now raises NotImplementedError when the compression type is unknown.
A command-line Workaround is to unzip, then rezip, to get a plain type 8: Deflated.
zipfile will throw an exception in 2.7 , 3.2+ I guess zipfile will never be able to actually handle type 9, for legal reasons. The Python doc makes no mention whatsoever that zipfile cannot handle other compression types :(
My solution for handling compression types that aren't supported by Python's ZipFile was to rely on a call to 7zip when ZipFile.extractall fails.
from zipfile import ZipFile
import subprocess, sys
def Unzip(zipFile, destinationDirectory):
with ZipFile(zipFile, 'r') as zipObj:
# Extract all the contents of zip file in different directory
print("An exception occurred extracting with Python ZipFile library.")
print("Attempting to extract using 7zip")
subprocess.Popen(["7z", "e", f"{zipFile}", f"-o{destinationDirectory}", "-y"])
Compression type 9 is Deflate64/Enhanced Deflate, which Python's zipfile module doesn't support (essentially since zlib doesn't support Deflate64, which zipfile delegates to).
And if smaller files work fine, I suspect this zipfile was created by Windows Explorer: for larger files Windows Explorer can decided to use Deflate64.
(Note that Zip64 is different to Deflate64. Zip64 is supported by Python's zipfile module, and just makes a few changes to how some metadata is stored in the zipfile, but still uses regular Deflate for the compressed data.)
However, stream-unzip now supports Deflate64. Modifying its example to read from the local disk, and to read a CSV file as in your example:
import csv
from io import IOBase, TextIOWrapper
import os
from stream_unzip import stream_unzip
def get_zipped_chunks(zip_pathname):
with open(zip_pathname, 'rb') as f:
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def get_unzipped_chunks(zipped_chunks, filename)
for file_name, file_size, unzipped_chunks in stream_unzip(zipped_chunks):
if file_name != filename:
for chunk in unzipped_chunks:
yield from unzipped_chunks
def to_str_lines(iterable):
# Based on the answer at
chunk = b''
offset = 0
it = iter(iterable)
def up_to_iter(size):
nonlocal chunk, offset
while size:
if offset == len(chunk):
chunk = next(it)
except StopIteration:
offset = 0
to_yield = min(size, len(chunk) - offset)
offset = offset + to_yield
size -= to_yield
yield chunk[offset - to_yield:offset]
class FileLikeObj(IOBase):
def readable(self):
return True
def read(self, size=-1):
return b''.join(up_to_iter(float('inf') if size is None or size < 0 else size))
yield from TextIOWrapper(FileLikeObj(), encoding='utf-8', newline='')
zipped_chunks = get_zipped_chunks(os.path.join('/my/data/path/.../', ''))
unzipped_chunks = get_unzipped_chunks(zipped_chunks, b'train.csv')
str_lines = to_str_lines(unzipped_chunks)
csv_reader = csv.reader(str_lines)
for row in csv_reader: