Staging instance on Heroku

I'd like to be able to push code to for testing and then to for production use. Is this possible with Heroku?

Your interface to Heroku is essentially a Git branch. The Heroku gem does some work through their API, but within your Git repository, it's just a new remote branch.

heroku create yourapp # production
git br -D heroku # delete the default branch

heroku create staging-yourapp # staging
git br -D heroku # delete the default branch

Once you set up multiple applications on Heroku, you should be able to configure your Git repository like this:

git remote add staging [email protected]:staging-yourapp.git
git push origin staging

git remote add production [email protected]:yourapp.git
git push origin production

I usually work in a 'working' branch, and use Github for my master.

Assuming that's the case for you, your deploy workflow would probably look something like:

git co -b working
# do some work

# push to github:
git co master
git merge working
git push

# push to staging:
git co staging
git merge master
git push origin staging

# push to production
git co production
git merge master
git push origin production

This explains everything you need to know if your a newbie like me: