TypeScript casting arrays

I'm trying to use a wrapper for a library that wants an Array as an input parameter.

I tried casting the Array, but I get an error: Cannot convert 'any[]' to 'Array'

Is there a way to make this work?

var rows = new Array(10);
var rows2 = <Array>rows; //<--- Cannot convert 'any[]' to 'Array'

Solution 1:

There are 4 possible conversion methods in TypeScript for arrays:

let x = []; //any[]

let y1 = x as number[];
let z1 = x as Array<number>;
let y2 = <number[]>x;
let z2 = <Array<number>>x;

The as operator's mostly designed for *.tsx files to avoid the syntax ambiguity.

Solution 2:

I think the right syntax is:

var rows2 = <Array<any>>rows;

That's how you cast to interface Array<T>