How to insert date/time in notepad++ 64bit

Solution 1:

A 64-bit plug-in from Don Ho includes inserting date/time into Notepad++. It also provides an easy mechanism for creating your own Notepad++ plug-ins. Notepad++ PlugInDemo v3.1

Solution 2:

This is my set of AutoHotKey macros which insert timestamps in various formats not only in N++ but across the entire OS. You can adjust the format string as you need.

#F2::   ;Date/time with safe characters for use in filenames
    FormatTime, TimeString,, yyyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss
    Send %TimeString%

#F3::   ;Short date
    FormatTime, TimeString,, yyyyy-MM-dd
    Send %TimeString%

#F4::   ;Shortest possible date
    FormatTime, TimeString,, yyMMdd
    Send %TimeString%

#F5::   ;Date/time
    FormatTime, TimeString,, yyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    Send %TimeString%

So this way Win+F5 inserts timestamp containing date and time.

You can limit the scope only to Notepad++ by using #IfWinActive directive, just above the macros. I am using this one:

#IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad\+\+

Note: Window title match string used above relies on the following SetTitleMatchMode setting:

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx               

but if you have different mode, your title used with #IfWinActive directive may vary. See the above links.