HTML agility pack - removing unwanted tags without removing content?

Solution 1:

I wrote an algorithm based on Oded's suggestions. Here it is. Works like a charm.

It removes all tags except strong, em, u and raw text nodes.

internal static string RemoveUnwantedTags(string data)
    if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) return string.Empty;

    var document = new HtmlDocument();

    var acceptableTags = new String[] { "strong", "em", "u"};

    var nodes = new Queue<HtmlNode>(document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("./*|./text()"));
    while(nodes.Count > 0)
        var node = nodes.Dequeue();
        var parentNode = node.ParentNode;

        if(!acceptableTags.Contains(node.Name) && node.Name != "#text")
            var childNodes = node.SelectNodes("./*|./text()");

            if (childNodes != null)
                foreach (var child in childNodes)
                    parentNode.InsertBefore(child, node);



    return document.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;

Solution 2:

How to recursively remove a given list of unwanted html tags from an html string

I took @mathias answer and improved his extension method so that you can supply a list of tags to exclude as a List<string> (e.g. {"a","p","hr"}). I also fixed the logic so that it works recursively properly:

public static string RemoveUnwantedHtmlTags(this string html, List<string> unwantedTags)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
            return html;

        var document = new HtmlDocument();

        HtmlNodeCollection tryGetNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("./*|./text()");

        if (tryGetNodes == null || !tryGetNodes.Any())
            return html;

        var nodes = new Queue<HtmlNode>(tryGetNodes);

        while (nodes.Count > 0)
            var node = nodes.Dequeue();
            var parentNode = node.ParentNode;

            var childNodes = node.SelectNodes("./*|./text()");

            if (childNodes != null)
                foreach (var child in childNodes)

            if (unwantedTags.Any(tag => tag == node.Name))
                if (childNodes != null)
                    foreach (var child in childNodes)
                        parentNode.InsertBefore(child, node);



        return document.DocumentNode.InnerHtml;