Ubuntu Software icon missing!

I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my old 2008 macbook, and I noticed that there is no icon for the Ubuntu software center. Instead there's a diamond with gears on it. Is this fixable? Is it because of my computer's age? Please help.

I had the same issue, but prefer the Humanity theme over the Yaru one. (I first changed the theme to preview the Yaru theme via Gnome Tweaks)

My solution was as follows:

  • go to Dash
  • open a Menu Editor (if necessary install a Menu Editor, such as MenuLibre)
  • find Ubuntu Software (System Tools --> Ubuntu Software)
  • left click icon (I had a blank icon showing)
  • Browse Files...
  • browse to the Yaru folder and select your desired size of the following icon: ubuntusoftware.png (stored under /usr/share/icons)