Are there any good metaphors for explaining project complexity to a non-programmer? [closed]

Solution 1:

The speaker almost certainly really meant "painting the Sistine Chapel [ceiling]". Are there any meaningful parallels?

Michelangelo had some problems with the scaffolding suggested by the original architect. He ended up constructing his own framework.

Michelangelo was a sculptor and he had to learn fresco painting in order to complete the commission.

Pope Julius II originally wanted 12 figures painted, of the apostles. Michelangelo negotiated a free hand in choice of subject matter, and delivered Old Testament scenes depicting over 300 figures. He did all the painting himself.

The project continually ran out of money(because the Pope kept waging war with the surrounding states).

So let's see. Heavy dependency on a technical prima donna, cashflow problems, not delivering to the client's specifications... You're right, it sounds like no software project I ever heard of.

Solution 2:

I would recollect an old anecdote I once heard:

An auto mechanic asks a surgeon: "Why do you earn that much? What could you possibly be doing that complicated? My work with engines looks very complex and challenging to me, and I'm real good at it! I can fix anything that is wrong with an engine!"

The surgeon then goes over, turns the ignition and starts a car. Then he looks at the mechanic: "Well, now fix it."

Solution 3:

It's not rocket surgery.