Ubuntu 12.04. Compiz Failure. Computer has nothing to use

Solution 1:

  1. You can goto terminal if no gui is working using shortcut Alt + ctrl + T.

  2. To solve the problem, Reset unity and compiz settings. Every settings of compiz will be resetted.

    • Press Alt + ctrl + F1
    • Login using your username and password
    • Reset compiz by executing gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1
    • Reset unity , by executing unity --reset
    • Optionally you can reset launcher icons by executing unity --reset-icons
    • Press Alt + ctrl + F7 to get back to login screen. However I recommend a restart by executing sudo reboot. Let us know if it worked.
  3. When you updated the system, possibly your changes in previous version made some conflicting changes with the update.

  4. You can go to terminal as stated in step 1, and then run nautilus to open the file browser to get your files back.

Solution 2:

I tried all of the different "fixes". The only one that worked for me was as follows.

sudo apt-get install nvidia-current

After that and a reboot all GUI was there.