Ubuntu change the left, right microphone sound card's level

I have some problems with my sound card which is solved by unbalancing the left and right mic level via pulse audio input level option as you can see:

Volume control

But it will be adjusted automatically after some seconds and I don't know why this happen, maybe Skype is doing that, but I don't find the allows Skype to automatically control... instruction in my Skype as you can see:

Edit 1. In Skype's Options --> Sound uncheck the tick that allows Skype to automatically control the volume settings.

Skyoe settings

Or maybe chrome is changing its level by webinar sites settings. But it would be solved by changing the left && right Mic level by my self.

I have also tried to change Element Capture by using sudo gedit /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input-internal-mic.conf ,as you can see here:

[Element Capture]
switch = mute
volume = 50
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

And sudo alsa force-reload as said in How to disable microphone volume auto adjustment in Cisco Webex. But it does not work and the mic level is changing by itself!

Also I have both OS version 20.10 and 18.04, and now I am using the 20.10 but i have this problem in my Ubuntu 18.04 and I think it is not related to OS version.


More info :

$  lspci | grep  -i audio
00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio (rev 21)


I have found, it would stay on the manually adjusted right and left mic level as shown below, by changing the all input device levels manually (not only one of them!):

volume control

But I don't know it would not be changed by itself during the webinar and... I would test it tomorrow and if I don't forget, I would write here about its connection setting.

New Update:

It is stable in many times but sometimes it would be reset and needs to adjust again by hand, which i think Some unknown apps changes the left& right setting rarely in my Ubuntu OS, but during these days ( around 4 days) less that 3 times happens).

Solution 1:

I was suffering with the same problem as you are.
I did the following:

  1. Went to usr/share/pulseaudio/alsamixer/paths/analog-input-front-mic.config
  2. In [Element Front Mic Boost] I changed volume = merge to volume = 40
  3. In [Element Front Mic] I changed volume = merge to volume = 40

My microphone sound card levels aren't magically changing, no more, so this solution worked for me. Let me know if you have any success.