Fastest way to get a photo from iPhone to Mac?

Solution 1:

Photo Stream isn't actually as bad as it seems. You don't need to launch iPhoto to get the photo — it's already on your Mac and much faster than it appears in iPhoto.

Your Photo Stream is stored in:

~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub

Go to this folder and sort by date. Inside those folders are JPGs of all your photos.

You can create a smart folder to only show JPGs sorted by date modified which gives you an automatic updating folder of your pictures. Drag this smart folder to your Dock for immediate, real-time access.

Solution 2:


Transfer Image or Text between your iPhone and Mac

You can do this with AirBridge. This lets you transfer images and text between your iOS device and Mac in a similar way to AirDrop, except through a Wi-Fi network.

Open the iOS app and make sure the menu bar app is running, then in the iOS app you can tap a button to send the last photo that was taken or to select a photo from your Camera Roll. This sends the photo over the network to your Mac and ends up in your Downloads folder.