Solution 1:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

Happens when your script tries to send an HTTP header to the client but there already was output before, which resulted in headers to be already sent to the client.

This is an E_WARNING and it will not stop the script.

A typical example would be a template file like this:

    <?php session_start(); ?>
    <head><title>My Page</title>

The session_start() function will try to send headers with the session cookie to the client. But PHP already sent headers when it wrote the <html> element to the output stream. You'd have to move the session_start() to the top.

You can solve this by going through the lines before the code triggering the Warning and check where it outputs. Move any header sending code before that code.

An often overlooked output is new lines after PHP's closing ?>. It is considered a standard practice to omit ?> when it is the last thing in the file. Likewise, another common cause for this warning is when the opening <?php has an empty space, line, or invisible character before it, causing the web server to send the headers and the whitespace/newline thus when PHP starts parsing won't be able to submit any header.

If your file has more than one <?php ... ?> code block in it, you should not have any spaces in between them. (Note: You might have multiple blocks if you had code that was automatically constructed)

Also make sure you don't have any Byte Order Marks in your code, for example when the encoding of the script is UTF-8 with BOM.

Related Questions:

  • Headers already sent by PHP
  • All PHP "Headers already sent" Questions on Stackoverflow
  • Byte Order Mark
  • What PHP Functions Create Output?

Solution 2:

Fatal error: Call to a member function ... on a non-object

Happens with code similar to xyz->method() where xyz is not an object and therefore that method can not be called.

This is a fatal error which will stop the script (forward compatibility notice: It will become a catchable error starting with PHP 7).

Most often this is a sign that the code has missing checks for error conditions. Validate that an object is actually an object before calling its methods.

A typical example would be

// ... some code using PDO
$statement = $pdo->prepare('invalid query', ...);

In the example above, the query cannot be prepared and prepare() will assign false to $statement. Trying to call the execute() method will then result in the Fatal Error because false is a "non-object" because the value is a boolean.

Figure out why your function returned a boolean instead of an object. For example, check the $pdo object for the last error that occurred. Details on how to debug this will depend on how errors are handled for the particular function/object/class in question.

If even the ->prepare is failing then your $pdo database handle object didn't get passed into the current scope. Find where it got defined. Then pass it as a parameter, store it as property, or share it via the global scope.

Another problem may be conditionally creating an object and then trying to call a method outside that conditional block. For example

if ($someCondition) {
    $myObj = new MyObj();
// ...

By attempting to execute the method outside the conditional block, your object may not be defined.

Related Questions:

  • Call to a member function on a non-object
  • List all PHP "Fatal error: Call to a member function ... on a non-object" Questions on Stackoverflow