Configure ssh-key path to use for a specific host

When connecting via SSH my terminal wants to use id_rsa by default. I don't want to use that key for this particular server. So I am forced to specify the proper key path when connecting:

This works to connect: ssh -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/mykey [email protected]

But I would prefer to use the following to connect: ssh [email protected]

My Question: Is there a way to indicate in known_hosts or other config that SSH should use the key located at /Users/myuser/.ssh/mykey when serveruser is connecting to


Solution 1:

One option you could consider would be to user the .ssh/config file.

Example: .ssh/config

    User serveruser
    IdentityFile /Users/myuser/.ssh/mykey

By doing this you could execute "ssh". The config file would use the specified Username and Identity File.

Solution 2:

An additional option would be to use ssh-agent.

If you add all of your identities to it

ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add .ssh/mykey

When you connect to the remote host, the one that works is the one that is used.