How do I prevent my iPod nano's screen from going to sleep?

I have broken my desk clock and am trying to use my square nano to show me time instead.

The problem is that when I set the screen to show time and leave it for some time the screen dims and eventually shuts off after which I have to get the screen back again by going to the menu.

Is there a way to make sure that the screen does not turn off? Dimming should be okay to save power, but it should at least show the time when I touch the screen.

Go to the stop watch and press start, now slide back to the watch face and it should stay on.

Unfortunately, there is no a way to prevent the iPod nano from going to sleep mode.

There is a way but I still haven't tested it there is a menu called iTerm on the ipod nano 6g.You can enter it by clicking all buttons at once.Wait a few seconds and it will appear then you enter "power"--->"power drain mode" and it shoud keep the screen from locking.Of course it won't last long because the battery will be completly used-up.This is for more information.

This works for me with my BOSE docking station.

  1. Play music on loop
  2. Open Clock

The iPod stays running.