Resizing Remote Desktop window without getting scrollbars

I have a Windows 10 computer and a 43 inch 4K monitor.
When I use this computer to connect to a Windows 10 server using Remote Desktop Connection, I want to resize the RDC window to be on 1/4 of my 4K monitor without causing it to use scrollbars.
In other words, I want RDC to behave as if I'm viewing the remote server on a 1080p monitor (equivalent resolution to 1/4 of my 4K screen), rather than causing it to have 4K worth or screen space and have scrollbars.
Is there a way to do this?

Solution 1:

When creating the RDP connection, go to the Display tab to set the size of your remote desktop. You can then save this configuration in the .rdp file:

enter image description here

You can also set a resolution using the /w:<Width> /h:<Height> parameters. See for more info.