Finding the position of bottom of a div with jquery

Solution 1:

Add the outerheight to the top and you have the bottom, relative to the parent element:

var $el = $('#bottom');  //record the elem so you don't crawl the DOM everytime  
var bottom = $el.position().top + $el.outerHeight(true); // passing "true" will also include the top and bottom margin

With absolutely positioned elements or when positioning relative to the document, you will need to instead evaluate using offset:

var bottom = $el.offset().top + $el.outerHeight(true);

As pointed out by trnelson this does not work 100% of the time. To use this method for positioned elements, you also must account for offset. For an example see the following code.

var bottom = $el.position().top + $el.offset().top + $el.outerHeight(true);

Solution 2:

EDIT: this solution is now in the original answer too.

The accepted answer is not quite correct. You should not be using the position() function since it is relative to the parent. If you are doing global positioning(in most cases?) you should only add the offset top with the outerheight like so:

var actualBottom = $(selector).offset().top + $(selector).outerHeight(true);

The docs

Solution 3:

var bottom = $('#bottom').position().top + $('#bottom').height();