Do crew bonuses stack?

There are some skills in the game that offer bonuses to the whole crew such as Fast Learner in the Mastermind tree.

If multiple members in the game use the same crew bonus, do the effects stack?

Solution 1:

No - crew bonuses do not stack - at all. In the instance two or more of your crew members have an ability that provides a crew bonus, these do not stack. However, there are a few caveats;

  • Fast Learner (ace) provides a crew experience bonus, this is separate from Fast Learner (not ace) which provides a personal experience bonus. These two bonuses are separate bonuses, meaning if every member of your crew has one point in Fast Learner and one of your crew members has it aced, every crew member will receive a double experience bonus (a personal bonus from having one point in Fast Learner, and a crew bonus from the crew member that has it aced). If two or more crew members have Fast Learner aced, this bonus does not stack.

  • Endurance (ace) provides a crew stamina bonus, this is separate from Endurance (not ace) which provides a personal stamina bonus. This works in the same way as Fast Learner.

  • Abilities like Leadership (both ace and not aced) which provide crew bonuses at both levels do not stack. If multiple members of your crew have one of these abilities there is no additional bonus provided to the crew (they will, in the instance of Leadership, receive a 25% bonus for the first tier or a 50% bonus for aced Leadership)

This means, if you're building up a crew that is going to run heists together constantly, you'll want to avoid doubling up on abilities like Leadership but may want to each expend a point in abilities like Endurance or Fast Learner.

Solution 2:

From a steam discussion:

Crew bonuses don't stack. You can only have 1 of each different bonus name. Ace and Basic Fast Learner do stack because they have different names.