On a Raspberry Pi 4, running Ubuntu Focal 64bit. LXD keeps getting broken, and it seems like it's because the kernel module veth.ko is missing.

In an attempt to restore it I did:

sudo apt install linux-modules-5.4.0-1012-raspi --reinstall

This restores veth.ko and makes LXD work. However, if I reboot, veth.ko is deleted. Is there some configuration I need to change somewhere that's currently removing veth.ko for 'reasons'?

Solution 1:

The package cloud-initramfs-copymods sets up /usr/lib/modules from the initramfs found in /boot/firmware. You can choose to add the modules you need to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and regenerate the initramfs, or to remove the cloud-initramfs-copymods package to stop this behavior.

I chose to remove the cloud-initramfs-copymods package all of my problems disappeared.

Solution 2:

I had to install linux-modules-extra-5.13.0-1008-raspi_5.13.0-1008.9_arm64.deb in order to get veth.ko installed on my system.