How do I vary the playback speed in VLC using keyboard shortcuts?

How do I vary the playback speed of media in VLC Media Player using keyboard shortcuts?

I used to be able to do this by holding down Cmd-Alt-[Forward Arrow or Back Arrow] but this doesn't seem to be working any more. Instead it's jumping the video forward and backwards by 19 seconds when I use this key combination.

Is there a way to restore the variable speed shortcut behaviour?

Solution 1:

VLC has a wonderful short cuts menu where you can see or even set the shortcuts.

Open the VLC preferences and the Hotkeys tab.

Restart VLC after making the hotkey change.

The following was tested by me on VLC Version 2.0.9 Twoflower (Intel 64bit).

VLC shortcuts

Ranting: I wish every app would have such easy access and feature, rather them me searching the Google to find out what Hotkeys they use and how to set them. End of Rant.

Solution 2:

To increase/decrease playback speed on VLC/Mac use command+= and command+-

Solution 3:

use '[' and ']' keyboard input for decreasing and increasing the speed respectively.