not working on pycharm on ubuntu [duplicate]

The following code works in PyCharm. Pillow is packaged as python3-pil and matplotlib is packaged as python3-matplotlib in Ubuntu. The image is displayed in a new window. I copied my image, named image.png, into my PyCharm project's venv folder so that PyCharm would find it automatically.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image

fname = 'image.png'

Note: PyCharm does not automatically find your globally installed Python packages unless the project has been configured to find them. To do this select the Inherit global-site packages option when you create a new project.

Select FileNew Project to create a new project. Click the triangle marked by the mouse cursor in the below screenshot to show the new project's options.

Create Project window

Then check the Inherit global-site packages checkbox and click the Create button in the lower right corner of the Create Project window.

enter image description here