Creating a expressjs middleware that accepts parameters

I am trying to create a middleware that can accept parameters. How can this be done?


app.get('/hasToBeAdmin', HasRole('Admin'), function(req,res){


HasRole = function(role, req, res, next){
   if(role != user.role){


function HasRole(role) {
  return function(req, res, next) {
    if (role !== req.user.role) res.redirect(...);
    else next();

I also want to make sure that I don't make multiple copies of the same function:

function HasRole(role) {
  return HasRole[role] || (HasRole[role] = function(req, res, next) {
    if (role !== req.user.role) res.redirect(...);
    else next();

app.get('/hasToBeAdmin', (req, res, next) => {
  hasRole(req, res, next, 'admin');
}, (req,res) => { 
    // regular route 

const hasRole = (req, res, next, role) => {
   if(role != user.role){

Alternatively if you do not have too many cases or if role is NOT a string:

function HasRole(role) {
  return function (req, res, next) {
    if (role !== req.user.role) res.redirect(/* ... */);
    else next();

var middlware_hasRoleAdmin = HasRole('admin'); // define router only once

app.get('/hasToBeAdmin', middlware_hasRoleAdmin, function (req, res) {
