Initramfs error whenever booting Ubuntu after booting windows

I've got a dual boot of Ubuntu with windows and Ubuntu and occasionally I use windows for things that I need to do and every time I seen to do that, it causes an initramfs error which says Error: no pointer back to namespace node in package 0000000 I know the basic fix to this sudo update-initramfs -u which works temporarily but then the error comes back every time I boot windows then Ubuntu.

Is there a permanent solution to this problem? I know it can be ignored but it is concerning and annoying to put up with. Thank you

Solution 1:


Do these commands:

sudo update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r) # we create a new ramdisk

reboot # we reboot the computer


Disable Secure Boot.


We disable fast boot and hibernation:

  • boot into Windows
  • open the Power control panel
  • choose change what the power buttons do
  • choose change options that are unavailable
  • uncheck fast startup
  • close the Power control panel
  • open an administrative command prompt window
  • type powercfg /h off
  • type chkdsk /f c:
  • approve to run chkdsk at next reboot
  • reboot into Windows to let chkdsk run on drive C: