What do you call someone who gives a bare minimum answer which is often misleading?

In the case of your example, the guy seems to be elusive, in the sense that he essentially is trying to avoid the answer. But I get that has not much to do with a "bare minimum answer". Maybe, elusively concise. Or even reticent.

You can call them evasive perhaps, or noncommittal.


  1. Inclined or intended to evade: took evasive action.
  2. Intentionally vague or ambiguous; equivocal: an evasive statement.


Refusing commitment to a particular opinion or course of action; not revealing what one feels or thinks: "His face was the color of a freshly baked pork pie and as noncommittal"

I like evasive best, and dodging the question is also good. There's another one you may want to consider:


This one is commonly used in legal situations when describing a certain kind of witness.

I'm not including an official definition because the ones I found were defined in terms of cooperative, which was defined in terms of cooperate, and after all these steps, the actual meaning of uncooperative was lost. Here's my explanation: A cooperative person will understand what the questioner wants to know and will comply and supply the desired information, without any resentment or games.

You can also say that this person gives you non-answers.