Keyboard shortcut to switch between applications in Mission Control

Solution 1:

There is no keyboard shortcut to switch between applications within Mission Control.

In System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission Control you can see all of the built in keyboard shortcuts available:

  • Mission Control
  • Show Notification Center
  • Turn Do Not Disturb On/Off
  • Application Windows
  • Show Desktop
  • Show Dashboard
  • Mission Control
    • Move left a space
    • Move right a space
    • Switch to Desktop n

None of which allow you to move between applications in a space.

Mission Control is designed to be used with a mouse or trackpad. If you only use the keyboard, don't activate Mission Control, instead use command + tab to switch between apps.

Solution 2:

For anyone wanting a good way to switch windows with the keyboard. I found the best solution out there.

It's incredibly fast and allows you to select windows based on a fuzzy text search or keyboard shortcuts.

Solution 3:

Hammerspoon is a great solution to this problem. Especially being I already had been using it for years. Once you install you can use the lua code supplied in the docs to get started.

Once invoked through a shortcut of your liking it assigns and displays a keycode to each of the open windows inside expose/mission control. You can set filters and customize however you'd like.

Solution 4:

enter image description hereCMD+tab allows you to switch between applications

In mission control Control+arrow key allows you to switch between spaces

Here is a great link for all mac shortcuts